As an intern of web graphic design, the responsibility is assisting in designing and editing graphics in online platforms such as website, mobile application, social media and so on. During the internship program, intern will work with project manager and development team in the areas of design, requirement and specification in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Intern is also in-charge of project documentation and web system regarding the progression of web visual design and development, and also completion confirmation letter which will be sent to clients before proceeding to next step or launching a website.
In order to deepen the understanding on clients’ needs and current trends, digital and other field research will be conducted by an intern to create, develop, and deliver successful services and products. Intern will also in-charge of web content maintenance by following the criteria and requests which provided by client, and updating the latest contents to the website.

Entertop Sdn. Bhd. offered an internship educational opportunity which started from 6th January 2020 to 6th May 2020, and my position in this company was web graphic designer. During 18th March 2020 to 31st March 2020, I agreed to work from home which requested by the company due to the Government’s decision on the Movement Control Order (MCO). For this position, the company paid an amount of RM600 for me monthly, and Mr. Tung was my on-site supervisor throughout the internship program.
Throughout the internship period, I learned that systematization is a benefit for us to be more productivity and efficiency on completing tasks and delivering high-quality works on time. In Entertop Sdn. Bhd., Zoho Projects, a cloud-based online project management tool, is used for both employers and employees to build project plan, organize every task, manage resources, and track the completion of tasks. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is also set by the company as a guideline for employees to achieve efficiency, uniformity of performance, and quality output, while reducing the miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.
In the workplace, detail-oriented skill is important especially when I need to consciously examine every design element on the web graphic designs not only to achieve accuracy and consistency, but also reduce errors and ensure completeness in carrying out a duty in future. To improve attention to details, I trained myself to create a list and check off each design element and item as it is completed. Sometimes I asked my colleagues to look over my design works because I was likely to be so familiar with the content that I might miss some errors and typos, and I thought that other people, who is unfamiliar with the content, can help me to catch mistakes from my design works.
When it comes to website design and development, teamwork is very important as there are many design elements to be considered by web designer and web developer throughout the progression. After completion of website visual interface design, I need to have discussion with project manager and web developer about the functionality, interactivity, creativity, and responsivity of website before proceed to web development. Web designer and web developers should work together to merge the ideas for a more rounded vision of what a web project is supposed to be, and create cohesive finished websites with great aesthetics, user interface, user experience, and clean code in less time.
Since I gained knowledge of HTML & CSS in university, it is beneficial for me not only to analyze materials and mechanics easily in various aspects of web design and development, but also to elaborate on the elements of web interactive and frameworks. Although I am not the one who develop the website, but at least I know how HTML and CSS function in website development, and thus the communication with web developer will be much easier during progression of website development without any misunderstanding.
Throughout the industrial training period, I think that I am lacking of design sense as sometimes I do not have the ability to understand the criteria from client and match client’s need which makes me struggling on how to solve the problems and make decisions to improve situations. Design sense is important as it really enhances the development of creative thinking and idea generation. Therefore, to improve design sense as a skill, I will more concentrate on conducting primary and secondary researches in future. I would like to improve my observation and analyzation skill on aesthetic designs to gain more knowledge on principles of design and website design. I will also be open to criticism and feedback so people can share honest opinions regarding to my design works so I can understand more on my strength and weakness in designing.
I also think that problem-solving skill is important as I encountered more severe or complex problems during internship period in real-life design industry. It will be better if I have the ability to deal and solve the creative problems efficiently and effectively. Therefore, I would like to increase my problem-solving skill by learning creative thinking techniques such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, or having conversation between colleagues, superiors, or people with rich experiences in creative industry.
Lastly, I think that managing emotions is also important in creative thinking and idea generation as it will lead me to think clearly and logically. When I face the problems that I never encounter before, I will panic when I could not think better and logical solutions to solve the creative problems. Therefore, I would like to manage my emotional by increasing self-management and motivating myself to improve my creative thinking skills and achieve the goals. I will also ask my colleagues and superiors to brainstorm together and create better solutions with their assistances in future so I can solve the problems without panicking.